Require Standard Part Nomenclature to Part Description
Parts need a standard description to search parts effectively (ex: All 1-7/16" 4-bolt Flange Block Bearings should be listed as: "1-7/16IN ID; 4B; FB" or all 480V 15HP 3500RPM 215 C-face motors should be listed as "15HP; 3500RPM; 215TC; 480V"). This will greatly increase the buyer and supply chain specialist's abilities to source parts from other local sites, vendors, or manufacturers.
If possible, this could be done as "required fields" when entering new parts into the system that auto-generate a part description from the fields.

Winfred Williams commented
It would be also helpful to keep track of inventory.
Denene Bassett commented
We should have standard nomenclature for equipment descriptions & asset ID creations, as well. We should be encouraging everyone who uses the CMMS to use standard nomenclature, acronyms, etc when creating work orders, notes, etx.
Castano, Carlos commented
This is a standard practice in any industry dealing with parts to use this Nomenclature for identification of parts.
Thornton, Nicholas D. commented
I would also add VFD