Required Data Entry / Meter-Gauge Readings
There isn't an existing method to enter and record critical data that is needed to be collected, monitored, and trended. Requesting a form to allow critical data readings to be entered, recorded, and imported into Excel and/or PowerBI for historical trending.

Shearer, Mason commented
This would greatly benefit the team in tracking and trending data that could result in greater machine health overall.
Wren, Jeremy commented
Ferguson, Andrew commented
Ireland, Colin commented
We need this,
Ramsey, Jimmie commented
Need to track measurements made during PM's like presure, temp, titration, runout, etc. Can we create a field in which a reading can be entered as well as date of entry? Something that allows us to export reading data and trend it over time. This data can be used to predict / prevent failures before they occur.
Calleros, Rogelio commented
This would be great to have for optimizing PM's and tracking potential failures.
Brian Hoskins commented
This would be very helpful for trending data to present to the customer in order to justify preventative as well as reactive maintenance activity.
Vernon, Brian commented
This is important to track.
Jason McClellan commented
This is extremely Important