list bin location when searching for part
when searching for parts, on summary page where it lists MFG. PART # can it also list bin loaction
The bin is listed on the Summary page now. After you click on the Location dropdown, you will see which bins the part is currently located in.
Kennedy, Thomas commented
Search by Bin ID location already exists in the Client. This is a great idea, however to have an inventory search set up in the Portal for those of us not using the Client. Search capability should be outside of having to perform a part need. Search criteria should be by Part ID, MFR P/N, BIN ID and Description.
Troy King commented
We have discovered that if, as many are saying they do, you complete the process of putting the part on the task to later cancel the part, the system will still create a requisition for inventory if this part allocation brings the stock level below the MIN. We have hade several requisitions for inventory for parts that are not below the MIN which can lead to over MAX inventory levels! I think everyone who operates in the real world would agree, We do not need to replenish stock until actual consumption
Anonymous commented
Is there a way to search for a part by the bin locations in the client
Steven Hagan commented
Need to be able to Consume more then one part at a time
Joshua White commented
when ordering parts its nice to know if its something we carry but are out of. some times we might have a spare laying around if its a normal item but it wont be "in stock" talk to any supply chain guy he can fill you in.
Logan McNear commented
Show the part location from the parts search screen in a task. You currently only see the location after clicking the drop down and it is difficult to see. If you are searching at the site level, a location should automatically been shown. Technicians are adding parts that aren't needed to work orders and then having to remove them later.
Hi John! Thank you for the feedback. We have a user story in our development queue right now (20699) that will add Part Search capabilities to the Supply Chain module of the Portal. This will allow for the searching of part information without having to go through the task screens. Is this something that would be helpful on the Technician page as well?
Christopher Suggs commented
No way to know if part has been ordered from this page both tech and supv.
John Lawrence commented
I would like to be able to search for a inventoried part, find it and be able to view information on that part, location, quantity, min/max. Right now I have to charge the part out just to view bin information. If it's not the part I need I have to then cancel the part order and search all over again. At the least I need the bin location so I can see the part and quantity. Thanks