Ability for technicians to be ACTIVE on a task
We believe the functionality for a technician to go active on a task in real time would be value add. Would need the ability for multiple technicians to be active on a single task at the same time. We would like to have this functionality to allow for increased visibility and accountability in driving accuracy with our Tech Utilization numbers. This functionality would also all for a status monitor type of tool that would give visibility to the task that each technician is active on in real time. This would be valuable for accountability as well as for decision making if/when we have break in tasks. We also feel that forcing comments to be entered when signing off of the task would be value add.
This feature is available on the new Scheduling Portal.
McNail, Amy R. commented
I've been asked multiple times if this feature is available in eFP 3
Many other CMMSs have this feature and will be extremely valuable for us in the future to accurately track our time.
Palmer, Josh commented
Making the ACTIVE selector a prominent feature on the technicians' daily schedule would make the action of using the feature more user friendly especially in an environment with limited internet access. Also, prompting for a comment and a selector of carry over work or closed task when a tech clicks off ACTIVE would help with the comments and work order completion steps for documentation.