Portal work order review process needs to be streamlined
The work order review process needs to be streamlined. It takes way too long to load between pages (on any network). It would be beneficial to have the review button moved to the top of the screen so that you don't have to go back to the summary screen. It would be very helpful to have an option to review the work order straight from the list of work orders to review. There is not-value added time spent waiting on the system to load unnecessary screens.
James Serpico commented
Anything that can be done to speed up the process would be beneficial to our site.
William Greene commented
The work order print screen should give a choice between work order number and task number.
Todd Brosius commented
Please make the screen on the portal able to be pulled with the slider bar all the way down the page to allow for a better view
David Strouse commented
Is there any way to see who put the task in from the customer. When we see task tech can not see who contact person was to talk to on what is needed and also if we would have any additional questions to ask them. I talked to customer and they said that they have to enter when creating task but it does not populate to tech task when tech views it.
Jose Gonzalez commented
When doing a major Task :
1- Provide with a page in 3.0 under equipment to review all parts need it for the Task
(this will save time in our part in every aspect to gather information on all parts required for the job)
(Also provide with Job description and tools needed on how to performed the task including pictures)
must be task specific so we do not get a generic list of parts so we don't have to spend so much time looking for parts ) (space to put comments and review the task and see if we could list any improvements at the end of the Task ) -
Michael Copenhaver commented
In the labor tab show how many technicians put time on the work order/task, but also show the total number of hours. It could be done the same way as parts.
4/11.4 Showing 4 technicians for a total of 11.4 hours. -
Joshua White commented
cancleing a work order shouldnt require machine malfuntion and uptime to be filled out
William Greene commented
Reviewing Work Orders
After a work order is reviewed and you back to the Work Order list page. The reviewed work order should have disappeared without having to refresh.
Audrey commented
job status should be included in the excel export
Heylin, Destry commented
Please give the Planner Scheduler the ability to edit the Asset ID, or add an equipment description column next to the Asset ID column on all task, work orders ect. Currently in both the Technician and Customer portal when viewing a list of task or work orders you have to drill down into them and then the equipment to figure out what piece of equipment that the task is referring to. The technicians and customer should be able to quickly look at their list and determine what piece of equipment it is on. The customer here has expressed great frustration over this.
Zai Chen commented
Elyse, use already in place substatus on the work order level to track downtime attributed to waiting on material. There's already a substatus in place that is searchable and already compiled by PowerBI.
William Greene commented
More data on
Work Orders
Closed work OrdersThis report needs to have more information such as: Work Order Closed Date, Work Order Compliance Finish Date, Task Number,
Ronald Hoalt commented
Please let techs unassign work orders tasks
Thank you for your feedback. This is actually something that the Supply Chain group and OPEX Leaders have been discussing. How would you like to see this implemented in the Portal? We are interested in collecting ideas.
Zai Chen commented
There needs to be a way to track TIME spent waiting for material or time spent waiting for a service provider.
Tolliday, Ross commented
Please add the ability to change the sub-location in the portal. At present we cannot mark a work order as a duplicate in the portal.
USG El Centro Customer commented
on the 'select equipment' change the search from 'asset id' to 'asset description'. right now it is very difficult to locate equipment by asset id.
Travis Roberts commented
change the the default settings to stop opening "my open tasks" and "my completed tasks" to just open all tasks and all completed task. can sort through with the top categories.
Travis Roberts commented
when opening tasks have it open all tasks instead of "My Open Tasks" It is a complete waste of time. If you want to see what tasks are assigned to an individual just use the assigned tech tab at the top.
Tolliday, Ross commented
When entering time in the labor entry you have to scroll up to decrease the time and down to increase the time. In my mind this is not logical and i always scroll the wrong way. Can you please reverse it?