Portal work order review process needs to be streamlined
The work order review process needs to be streamlined. It takes way too long to load between pages (on any network). It would be beneficial to have the review button moved to the top of the screen so that you don't have to go back to the summary screen. It would be very helpful to have an option to review the work order straight from the list of work orders to review. There is not-value added time spent waiting on the system to load unnecessary screens.
Vanrheet Galbreath commented
Wanted to see if a line for the tech that is assigned to a particular work order show up on the open work order tab. As of now you have the requester, but not the tech assigned to that work order.
Andrew Lucas commented
Need ability to consume more than one part at a time
Aaron Smith commented
In the client, in the PO's/REQ's there is no way of seeing/searching for a specific WO number. I'd like to be able to see which WO I am releasing for.
Sean Tijerina commented
This report is great for seeing how many times we've been using a certain part. However, it would be great if we could add the Asset ID and Asset Description to the report. That way, we don't have to look up each work order number to find out the asset.
Dave Collins commented
When I review work orders, especially PM work orders, it would be extremely helpful to see the compliance window and completion date all in the Summary that comes up. That way you can see that the PM was completed, and completed in the compliant window with a single glance. See the job comments by the operator on the summary page would also greatly enhance this process. With SAP 2.0 you could see all of that information on one page. The last thing that would make my life easier, along with that of every other Site Manager out there, would be for the system to automatically advance to the next work order in queue when you click the review button.
Rick Everett commented
Anytime that an update is required during a workorder review it seems to lock up the system. It will show the item updated then just starts to flip the box and shows loading but never quits
Jacobs, Deborah M. commented
Our supervisor would like to have a print option on the Review Work Order screen, on the Summary screen. This would enable him to print out ones that he wants to audit.
Grant Kline commented
Add planned start and stop date column to Shift turnover report. That way you can pull a schedule for work scheduled.
Anonymous commented
From Adam Gainer, site 432
Anonymous commented
Currently, when you go to an open task in the portal on the summary page, the word 'kitted' is in the Task Subtype field. You have to click edit first. We would like to have 'kitted' as an option in the 'STATUS' field instead. Also, can you put a 'STATUS' column on the main page when looking at open tasks. That way you could just scroll down or filter by status to easily find kitted work orders.
Antonio Romo commented
In the box Equipment or Location, Under Equipment: Why can't we Type in the equpment number directly on the box, instead of select, search,select again, rthis takes way too long and 95% of the time we already know the Equipment number. Please epeed up this process.
Kimla Poe commented
Ability to see pricing on parts when assigning to job.
Donald Newman commented
Can the text be in Bold print to make it easier on the eyes?
Jacobs, Deborah M. commented
Just to clarify, at this site we are not going to make all steps on a pm task "Required". I need to know which get done or not.
Ellen Markey commented
Customers should be able to access the wiki from their portal
Grant Kline commented
Planner/sched. live dashboard
Jacobs, Deborah M. commented
Please add the Steps screen to the Review process so that we can see which steps were completed by the technicians and which were not. This is very important.
Jacobs, Deborah M. commented
I believe this was done intentionally and I have to agree with the practice. If a machine is down, all open work orders (including pms) should be looked at for this downtime opportunity. While the equipment is being repaired by one or more technicians, another could be performing badly needed preventive work; i.e. looking for worn bearings & shafts that might otherwise not be inspected for another 6 months.
Henry Shelly commented
My job in tool and die may have me working on as many as 4 jobs at a time. I can have a grinder, a mill, and edm all running at once and being checked on periodically. When I enter my hours on tasks, I divide the time between the jobs. Their is no fixed start or stop for any of them. I would like to be able to enter hours worked and start or stop time, and not have to calculate fractions of hours from minutes.
Grant Kline commented
When creating task. the block after equipment or location block should be a list of existing task for that machine. it would help the customer or techs not put in dublicates.