eFactoryPro 3.0
253 results found
Need Client Access on customer computer
Looking to streamline customer/planner/technician communications by having the real time eFactory Client planner schedule displayed publicly; a customer machine has already been allocated for this purpose, though I am only able to Remote In to the Client, which is time sensitive and becomes locked out due to inactivity.
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Adding selction
Loose wires should be in problem selection.
1 voteThank you for your feedback! Both codes currently exist in eFP 3.0. Wiring exists as an Object Code, and Loose exists as a Problem Code.
Number of open tasks on eqmt square
Could the number of open work orders be added to the equipment information square?
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Schedule Board Bugs
Several bugs with Schedule Board
1. Date/Day field gets corrupted when zoom is changed in Week mode
2. Constantly getting 'Expected place record with keys place_id=ST0000105678 not found
3. When i scroll to a Technician it scrolls back to the start periodically. Maybe related to bug 21 voteThis issue has been forwarded to the Help Desk and is being investigated by our Quality Assurance team. Incident ticket number for reference is INC000001185366.
Multiple reports into one
I am need reports collaborated together on the client side. 6 reports to go into 1 to save time. I was told from the help desk to use the feedback.
1 voteDeclining the request due to the age of request without any votes or activity.
Default Screen
Please make a way to change the default opening screen. I would be to be able configure what screen is when opening initially.
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Currently eFactoryPro 3.0 allows for concurrent down ticket to be entered.
Since concurrent down tickets are being put into EFP 3.0, PowerBI is combining the downtime creating incorrect metrics. If a ticket is in on a down machine, EFP 3.0 should not allow another ticket with a malfunction to be created as there is already a down ticket active in the system.
5 votesOperations has decided that they want to allow concurrent malfunctions. eFactoryPro 3.0 flattens the downtime calculations PER TASK in order to remove duplicated periods of downtime.. However, overlapping malfunctions are allowed and aggregated from different tasks. The Portal informs users of overlapping malfunctions via the Malfunction tab of the Task, in order to prevent possible data issues.
I would like to be able to export the schedule board into an excel file.
With the ability to export to excel , we have the opportunity to communicate the schedule with the team using a spreadsheet and a GANT chart to help visualize there scheduled workday
12 votesThe business has decided to use a Daily Schedule view for technicians to communicate what they should be working on each day. This will be the homepage for technicians using the Technician Module.
ok, repairs are needed! what kinda repairs?please give as much info as possible when submitting work order.
1 vote -
adding subjects to classifications under repair
Add float to object category and overflow to symptom category under the repair icon
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Edit Part Need
Please include the "Location" as an editable field; right now, only quantity and need by date can be edited. It would be nice if the location can also be edited because there are times the technicians do not change the location to the appropriate Plant which the parts are needed. They have to delete the part need and re-enter it again when they forgot to change the default location to their Plant location; it would be much easier if it's one of those fields that can be edited.
2 votesData entry needs to be handled with integrity.
Add create date to Task Planning Report
Task Planning Report. Need to add create date to the report so we can see when task was created for aging report.
1 voteDeclining the request due to the age of request without any votes or activity.
Add Parts Cost tab to Shift Turn over report
Please Add Parts Cost to the Shift Turn Over Report
1 voteDeclining the request due to the age of request without any votes or activity.
Track parts usage for Non-4 walls maintenance sites
Investigate ways for non-parts sites to track Parts usage by machines
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add requester to print pm
When you print a wo the requester does not appear on it the print out.
1 voteDeclining the request due to the age of request without any votes or activity.
equipment work order export improvement
Exporting to excel - work orders do not show a field for description of work done or completed date. It would be very useful for analyze effectiveness of repairs from a customer perspective
Dave Metz Southwire
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mi sugerencia es agregar ubicacion real en un mapa electronico de maquinaria ya que en ocaciones no se encuentra el equipo anteriormente se contaba con uno en el efactorypro anterior
1 vote -
Numero de Mano de Obra y asignaciones multiples
Seria muy importante poder ingresar en el sistema el numero de personas que se requiere para cada actividad, esto sirve para poder estimar la mano de obra en las actividades programadas y que también se imprima en las ordenes de trabajo así como en el portal poder asignar a dos personas para que se vean en "Todas mis tareas abiertas" de cada técnico.
1 voteDeclining the request due to the age of request without any votes or activity.
put it back to the way it was.
Under recent customer requests. I no longer have the option, under status reason to uncheck completed work orders.
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coordinate compliance finish dates
Please make the compliance finish dates the same as on the printed work order as on the task grid.
2 votesDeclining the request due to the age of request without any votes or activity.
- Don't see your idea?